Friday, February 24, 2017

HW Feb 24

A completed outline and first draft of the CBA is due by the start of class on Monday.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Diary of Anne Frank Act I Analysis Questions HW 2-23

1. Which character from the play do you think is most like you? Why? (Use text evidence)

2. What part of being in hiding do you think is most difficult for Anne? Describe using text evidence.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Check the agenda for February 21 for CBA files.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Anne Frank Scenes 1-3 Questions

The following is a suggested formatting for questions that require text evidence from the play.

1. ______(any character)_______ and _______(any character)__________ have a _____(descriptive word)___________ relationship because in the text....(text evidence)
2. Margot is ...(describe her character) ... because in the text ....(text evidence) 

3. I predict that by the end of the play ... (prediction)... because in the text...(text evidence)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Homework 2-16

Make sure you have completed the Anne Frank Diary play Scene 3 for class tomorrow!  Also do not forget our special guest!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Homework for 2-2-17 and ProQuest

Students are asked to find and read an article about Syrian Refugees today for homework.  If at all possible, please print the article and bring it to class tomorrow for our Socratic Seminar.  If printing is not available, please make sure to bring notes, author, date, and publisher of the article.

ProQuest is a terrific resource our school pays for to find credible sources.  I will link ProQuest below and list the login information for McLoughlin.  This would be a great help with tonight's homework.


Username is :  0H6XHK93X9

Password is:  WELCOME

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Club Picture Day

Today was Club Picture Day at MAC.  As such, several students were out of class for awhile.  However, they did not miss instruction as the other students reviewed for the quiz on Chapters 1-8 of Parallel Journeys we took upon everyone's return.