Monday, October 31, 2016

Tell Tale Heart

Students are watching the tell tale heart and completing a worksheet that can found in the agenda section of the website.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Quarter Ending

The Fall Quarter ends on the 31st so Friday is the last day to turn in late work or do redos!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Return of Smith and Corona!

Long Time No Post!

Sorry for the long time away from posting, I have been inundated with work in the drama program and fighting a cold that just wont go away.  If you ever have questions for me please feel free to email at or through this website.  Students are currently working on their Personal Narrative Performance Task.  Students are writing about a personal struggle in their life.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Drama @ MAC

To any interested party, McLoughlin will be starting an after school drama program this year.  Our first meeting is Wednesday October 5th from 2:30-4:45 in the school cafeteria led by yours truly.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Panther Pride Day

Tuesday October 4th is Panther Pride Day.  This is a day the school has dedicated to stop bullying.  Students are asked to wear Orange to show their support.  If you do not have orange clothing do not worry about it, and just make sure that you (or your student) comes prepared to talk about this serious issue.